Thursday, May 14, 2009

War In Sierra Leone

In 1991 civil war broke out in Sierra Leone. The government, led by Joseph Momoh, was being attacked by Revolutionary United Front, a rebel group led by Foday Sankoh, from the opposing political party. Between 1991 and and 1995 they had taken over most villages in the countryside and had almost reached Freetown. They would attack villages, killing most people or mutilating their limbs. They would sometime take young boys and force them to fight as child soldiers after brainwashing them.
Sierra Leone's civil war happened for a number of reasons. The country was one of the poorest in the world, but it had a rich natural resource of diamonds. One of the RUFs motives were to control Sierra Leone's international diamond trade. The lack of money and corrupt government also contributed to the war. It is ironic that it's natural resource which should have contributed towards making Sierra Leone a wealthy country was the reason for a war that almost destroyed it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Shopping in Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone there is a wide, colourful variety of place you can do your shopping. You can go to the market, a shop or even buy something on almost every corner of the street. If your looking for goods such as water, or tinned goods, go to a shop for best quality, although you will have to pay high prices. Bread, fruit and sweets are best bought from one of many street-side vendors. If you are looking for clothes, shoes, books and a wide range of other goods then the market-place is where you should go.

The market place is a great place for a bargain. All of the vendors will be happy to barter down most goods; so the the first price that they give you is never set in stone. For any tourist's, I would advise you to visit the marketplace, as it is very different from anything you have ever experienced. It is interesting how in places like America and Europe they have the same policy of not being able to barter down prices. But in Africa in a lot of other countries it is a natural part of shopping. It shows how some parts of the world influence each other in a major way. If you are looking for a market there a a few major ones you should try. King Jimmy's market is a good place to buy food, such as fish, fruit and vegetables. Victoria Park Market is good for clothes and fabric. Kissy Road on the East Side of Freetown, sells fruit, vegetables, and other general goods. However, if your looking for everything in one place try the Big Market.

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